can't seem to get you of my mind

Sitter och ser på scary movie tre, och jag är så jävla trött nu att fan vad som helst är roligt. Så nu sitter jag här i min ensamhet och dör av garv åt de där killarna Mahalik och CJ, samt läskiga rösten i telefonen. haha så jävla kul!

Mahalik: I heard Jamal from 90th street watched that tape last week and this mornin' he woke up dead!
CJ: How the hell do you wake up dead?
Mahalik: Cause' you're alive when you go to sleep.
CJ: So you're telling me you can go to bed dead and wake up alive?
Mahalik: You can't go to bed dead! That shit would've been redundant.
CJ: No it would'nt cause' you can go to bed and not be dead, and you can die and not be in the bed.
Mahalik: But you are in the bed. That's how you wake up dead in the first place fool!
CJ: Damn! that's some quantum shit right there man! You should be teaching classes!


CJ: Shit, my aunt Shaneequa used to live over there! But that bitch got evicted though.
Mahalik: For what?
CJ: Mice.
Mahalik: I thought she had rats?
CJ: No, rate are out side, mice are inside.
Mahalik: But what if a mouse goes outside does it become a rat, and if a rat is in the house, is it a mouse?
CJ: I ain't seen no mouse outside. That's what I'm sayin'.
Mahalik: That's because it's a rat, fool!
CJ: Damn! You mighta just made fact. That's some real shit right there! A-Ha!

fyyfan vad jag har kass humor, but god, you have to love it.



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